Faculty Roster + Grading FAQs
Introduction to Faculty Roster & Grading PDF
Contact your department for training and assistance. Email or call (530) 895-2511 if you still need help.
See quick instructions here: Steps for Issuing an Add Authorization or detailed instructions: Goodbye Add Card - Hello Add Authorization
Watch the videos here: Self-Service: Add Authorizations for Faculty and Goodbye Add Card - Hello Add Authorization.
Add Authorizations are to be used by the students once for their initial registration. If the student dropped the course or you dropped them as a "No Show" and you would like to readd them into your course, please follow the instructions listed under "How do I reinstate a student?”.
Student's Full Name
Student's ID Number
Course Name
Course Section Number
First Date of Attendance (If after Census, need a Dean approval)
Students wishing to add into a section on or after the first day of class contact
the instructor for add authorization and provide their student ID#. The instructor
uses their ID# to provide add authorization in Self-Service. The student then logs
into Self-service and adds into the section.
See instructions here: Steps for Issuing an Add Authorization
Watch the vidoes here: Self-Service: Add Authorizations for Faculty and Goodbye Add Card - Hello Add Authorization.
*Add authorizations become active once the term begins (or once the course begins if it is an irregular
course). Add authorizations can be given by the instructors at any point after their course is full, however,
students can begin registering in course with add authorizations once the term begins.
Questions regarding this process may be directed to or (530) 895-2511.
Adding Students After Census (1st Date of Attendance is before census)
- Student's Full Name
- Student ID#
- Course Number
- Section Number
- Pre-census First Date of Attendance
- Student's Full Name
- Student ID#
- Course Number
- Section Number
- First Date of Attendance (only applicable for in person courses)
Once the term begins, the waitlist will be closed and students are no longer able
to be enrolled off of the waitlist. All students who were on the Active Waitlist
will be transferred to the Nonactive Waitlist. You can click on the Nonactive Waitlist
to unhide the names and ID#'s of the students. You may give an Add Authorization through
your Self-Service Faculty Roster Permissions Tab. You can copy and paste the student
ID# from the active waitlist to provide an Add Authorization in Self-service. The
student then logs into Self-service and adds into the section.
See instructions here: Steps for Issuing an Add Authorization
Watch the vidoes here: Self-Service: Add Authorizations for Faculty and Goodbye Add Card - Hello Add Authorization.
Go to and then click Self Service. Login with your username and password. Click on the
Faculty Tile or the Daily Work Icon.
*Note: once you Certify Census you cannot make changes to the Census roster.
- In Faculty Overview, click on the course link to see Section Details.
- Go to your Census
- Report “Never Attended” and “Last Date of Attendance” to clear the rolls of inactive students.
- Click on the blue Census Button on or after the Census Date. This activates the Certify Button (button will turn blue when activated).
- Click the Certify Button.
- Read the Certification Statement and click Submit.

- Prior to Census, report students who never attended or stopped attending on the Census
- After Census, report drops that occurred pre-50% point of the course and any errors (No Shows) on the Drop You can only make changes on the Drop roster until 75% of the course.
- Students who stopped attending after 50% date need to be graded with an FW (Failure to Withdrawal) on the Grade Roster with their last date of attendance.
- Exceptions: Between the 50%-75% date, students who have “Serious and Compelling” reasons may be given a “W” grade with instructor authorization. Contact or your department to submit a “Serious and Compelling” drop form.
- Students who stopped attending after 50% date need to be graded with an FW (Failure to Withdrawal) on the Grade Roster with their last date of attendance.
- Exceptions: Between the 50%-75% date, students who have “Serious and Compelling” reasons may be given a “W” grade with instructor authorization. Contact or your department to submit a “Serious and Compelling” drop form.
- In Faculty Overview, click on the course link to see Section Details.
- Click on the Grade roster
- Click on the Final Grade tab
- Enter grades from the dropdown menu.
- From the Grade Roster, click Final Grade
- Choose “INC” from the Final Grade dropdown menu.
- A red alert “Submit your Incomplete Contract to A&R using the following Incomplete Grade Contract form” will display.
- Download the Incomplete Grade Contract, complete it, and send it to
- Once the Incomplete Grade Contract is received by Admissions & Records, the red alert will no longer display on your Grade Roster.
- An Incomplete ("I") grade may be awarded for an unforeseeable emergency or justifiable reason at the END of the term to REPLACE AN "RD4". The original copy of the Incomplete Grade Contract, signed by BOTH the instructor and student, must be submitted to Admissions and Records during the grading period. Clearly state the specific conditions for removal of the Incomplete (#3) and the grade to be entered if the conditions are not met (#4). A final grade is awarded by the instructor (using a 2nd copy or Change of Grade form) when the conditions stated in #3 have been met. Students have one year from the end of the term -to fulfill the conditions for removal unless a shorter time period is specified by the instructor in #3. California Code of Regulations: 5 CA ADC 55023
- In Faculty Overview, click on the course link to see Section Details.
- Click on the Attendance Only Positive Attendance courses will have an Attendance Tab.
- Choose the date from the Calendar icon.
- Enter daily hours for individual students OR enter hours for all students next to the “Update All” button & click “Update All.”
- Repeat this process for every day of attendance.
Contact Us
Admissions & Records Office
SAS Building – First Floor
3536 Butte Campus Drive
Oroville, CA 95965
530-895-2284 (Español)
530-879-4313 (Fax)
Content editor:
Julie Scarpelli