Butte College Proud to Be First

Butte College Proud to Be First

Mission Statement

The BC Proud to be First Faculty and Staff Association exists to inspire our first-generation Butte College Roadrunners to achieve success by providing advice, encouragement, and support from an intersectional lens. We recognize these Roadrunners bring with them a wealth of strengths and skills such as aspiration, diversity, linguistic abilities, persistence, and resilience.

Contact: Tray Robinson robinsontra@c178.net.

We invite you to join us at some of our hosted events and events that we are in collaboration with other departments. Here is a list of current and past events. We hope to see you there.

Upcoming events:

BC Proud To Be First 2024 End of Semester Celebration

Past Events
2024 Commencement Cord Pickup
2024 End of Semester Celebration
2023 Fall - Proud To be First Welcome Reception
2023 Spring - End of the Semester event
Fall 2022 - First Gen Welcome Reception


ptb1st group shirts  Group at event  Group with Dash

BC Proud to be First Faculty and Staff Association Membership List
If you would like to join the BC Proud to be First members list, please email Tray Robinson.



Email address

Adele Harth ASL  harthad@c178.net
Alicia Mendizaval Hernandez Roadrunner Cares hernandezal@c178.net
Alicia Trider History, Multicultural and Gender Studies trideral@c178.net
Alison Saecho TRIO saechoal@c178.net
Alonzo Campos Ethnic Studies camposal@c178.net
Amanda Blair Runyan English runyanam@c178.net
Ambrosia Krinsky College Connection krinskyam@c178.net
Amelia M. Taylor Nursing tayloram@c178.net
Analía Martinez CAS martinezan@c178.net
Angela Ohland CMST ohlandan@c178.net
Angelica Molica California Community College Technology Center mojicalr@c178.net
Benny Hawthorne Financial Aid hawthornebe@c178.net
Bettye-Ann Stephens CDF stephensbe@c178.net
Bobby Withrow-Clark Counseling and Advising withrow-clarkro@c178.net
Carrie Monlux Social & Behavioral Sciences monluxca@c178.net
Christian Gutierrez Public Relations & Marketing gutierrezch@c178.net
Christine Miller Financial Aid millerch@c178.net
Claudia Godinez Glenn Center godinezcl@c178.net
Dan Barnett Philosophy barnettda@c178.net
Danielle Gray Physical Science grayda@c178.net
David Shippen Allied Health and Public Administration dshippen@ccctechcenter.org
David Welton Radio, TV, Film weltonda@c178.net
Dayna Collett Back on Track collettda@c178.net
Denise St Cin Counseling stcinde@c178.net
Doug Minton Transfer Counseling mintondo@c178.net
Devon Carlson Counseling carlsonde@c178.net
Eddie Aguilar Inspiring Scholars aguilared@c178.net
Eileen Ross Cosmetology (CBC) rossei@c178.net
Frankie Medrano Native American Center medranofr@c178.net
Gary Harris Automotive harrisga@c178.net
Heather Valle Psychology vallehe@c178.net
Henry Sánchez-Flores DSPS sanchezhe@c178.net
Jamie L. Dillard DSPS dillardja@c178.net
Janine Gomez Career Center gomezja@c178.net
Jake Martin Human Resources martindou@c178.net
Jeannie Lybbert Financial Aid & Veterans Services lybbertje@c178.net
Jennifer Darlington Brunner Nursing juhl-darlingtonje@c178.net
Jessica Jackson Counseling and Advising jacksonje@c178.net
John Soldate Transfer Counseling and First Year Experience soldatejo@c178.net
Jordan Rodrigues Career Center rodriguesma@c178.net
Jose Gonzalez Counseling gonzalezjo@c178.net
Julio Delgado Counseling delgadoju@c178.net
Katalin Miko Butte College Cosmetology and Barbering mikoka@c178.net
Katya Ponce-Sanchez Student Equity- Culture and Community Center ponce-sanchezka@c178.net
Kia Vang EOPS vangki@c178.net
Kim Kirkwood Cosmetology kirkwoodki@c178.net
Krista Collett Glenn County Center collettkr@c178.net
Kristle Hunderman Welcome Center  hundermankr@c178.net
Laura Rapozo Davis Communication Studies rapozo-davisla@c178.net
Leslie Henson English hensonle@c178.net
Liliana Guzman New Student Orientation guzmanli@c178.net
Liz Bianchini Biology bianchiniel@c178.net
Luis Gonzalez MESA Program gonzalezruizlu@c178.net
Lydie Gama Admissions & Records lydie.mcj@gmail.com
Lynda Gomes Nursing gomesly@c178.net
Maggie Dorsett Foods and Nutrition dorsettma@c178.net
Marilyn Maghetti Admissions & Records maghettima@c178.net
Martha Olivia Hope Fashion hopema@c178.net
Martha Ventura-Plasencia Chico Center venturaplasenciama@c178.net
Melissa Groze Counseling & Advising grozeme@c178.net
Melissa Melendrez Counseling melendrezme@c178.net
Melody Schmid Biology schmidme@c178.net
Michelle August Nursing augustmi@c178.net
Michelle Kelley BCIS kelleymi@c178.net
Michelle Simmons Health Occupations simmonsmi@c178.net
Mitzi Felix Support Center felixmi@c178.net
Natalie Windt Marketing windtna@c178.net
Priscilla Little Financial Aid littlepr@c178.net
Rachel Schleiger Biology schleigerra@c178.net
Randy Maday Kinesiology madayra@c178.net
Rebecca Belser Business Contracts and Risk Management belserre@c178.net
Robin McKinley-Hall Admissions & Records mckinley-hallro@c178.net
Roy Dyer Student Health Center dyerro@c178.net
Sabrina Brindenhagen Financial Aid Department bridenhagensa@c178.net
Sandyvel Gaona Support Center gaonasa@c178.net
Serey Vann Counseling vannse@c178.net
Shannon Claiborne Nursing claibornesh@c178.net
Sharon Nilsson Education, Child and Family Studies nilssonsh@c178.net
Sharyl Dysthe BCIS dysthesh@c178.net
Simone Senat Arts senatsi@c178.net
Suzanne Sierra Career Center sierrasu@c178.net
Tammera Shinar Enrollment Services shinarta@c178.net
Tanya Kieselbach Sociocultural kieselbachta@c178.net
Teresa Doyle Dean of Instruction doylete@c178.net
Tina Day The Center for Academic Success dayti@c178.net
Tray Robinson IDEA robinsontra@c178.net
Tristan Bosch Foundation boschtr@c178.net
Wally Funk Center for Academic Success funkhe@c178.net
Yolanda Salazar-Garcia TRIO Student Support Services (SSS) salazargarciayo@c178.net


If you are interested in attending a Proud to be First meeting, please contact Tray Robinson at robinsontra@c178.net

Meeting Date Meeting Agenda Meeting Minutes
September 25, 2023 09/25/23 Agenda 09/25/23 Minutes


  • FASFA - Colleges and career schools use the FAFSA form to determine how much financial aid you're eligible to receive, which could include grants, scholarships, work-study funds, and loans.
  • CADA - The California Dream Act allows undocumented students, Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals
    (DACA) recipients (valid or expired), U Visa holders and students under Temporary Protected
    Status (TPS), who qualify for a non-resident exemption under Assembly Bill 540 (AB 540), Senate
    Bill 2000 (SB 2000) and Senate Bill 68 (SB 68), to receive certain types of financial aid such as:
    private scholarships funded through public universities, state-administered financial aid, university
    grants, community college fee waivers, and Cal Grants.
  • Guidance
classespng  CLASSES

  • Counseling - Counselors are here to support you in your academic journey. Counselors are available to assist students at three campus locations: Main campus, Chico Center, and the Glenn Center in Orland!


  • Busses & Carpooling - The Butte-Glenn Community College District (District) is committed to providing full access to its programs and facilities to all students. Each bus used as part of the bus transportation system will accommodate non-disabled passengers, as well as individuals with disabilities, on a space-available basis.
gradhatpng  STUDYING

  • The Center for Academic Success offers support at any Butte College location. Scroll down on the page for specific hours at the main campus, the Chico Center, Glenn County Center, and online.

housingfoodpng  HOUSING & FOOD

  • CalFresh & Food Pantry - The Roadrunner Hub Basic Needs Resource Center is a network of people and programs that offer students food, housing resources, and other services to limit the barriers to their educational goals and success.
  • Housing Eligibility - The Roadrunner Hub is dedicated to helping students locate and secure housing. They can provide students with a variety of different resources to get them ready to move in. Additionally, they have been provided with a grant to support students who are currently without housing (unhoused) or at risk of losing housing.

jobsearchpng  JOB SEARCH

  • Handshake - A virtual job board for opportunities on campus and in the area.
  • Work Study - The Butte College Career Center offers three types of Work-Study that assist students in obtaining paid employment by subsidizing their wages.
  • Resume Building - Resources for creating or enhancing your resume along with other useful job/career information.


"First-gen pride is the fuel that lights the fire of success; let it burn bright in your heart"

Content Editor:
Tray Robinson